The last ‘golden age’ and time of Atlantis is something that’s fascinated me for years. I love the mysticism around it and the magic of possibility the legend brings for me.
When I first started learning about Atlantis and why I was so drawn to it as a topic, 2 key things came up for me that I struggled with. 1. I am a starseed from Andromeda (I didn’t even know what a starseed was) and 2. That I had been present at the time of the fall of Atlantis and had been one of the beings who’d contributed to its demise.
Oh! Closely followed by, WTF?!
As with all my spiritual experiences over the years, I chose to stop trying to intellectually understand what I was experiencing to rationalise it, and to just allow and accept what I was seeing and feeling. Doing this always gives me space to explore and I love that because it opens my heart and mind to more possibilities, learnings and opportunities to grow. I’m a philosopher at heart, so exploring topics through thoughts and conversation to see what insights can be gained and learned is fascinating for me, how about you? Just for today, allow these words and notions on the legend of Atlantis to inspire and ignite thoughts and ideas for you. Who knows where that might take you and what new awarenesses arrive in your consciousness as your truth?
My understanding of Atlantis’ energy and story is that it was a place that once existed on earth. There are lots of books and documentaries describing ruins and even a path to the lost city off the coast of Florida. For me, Atlantis existed several millennia ago as another dimension around the Atlantic region. In that sense, real but not necessarily visible to all. The perspectives I’m sharing here are based on my visions, inner knowing as well as what I’ve read over the years. I certainly sense a lot of water around and am very drawn to water and the colour blue in this lifetime. I am also deeply connected to nature and often have a dolphin spirit guide show up. The first time I was lucky enough to see wild dolphins and orcas, I was overwhelmed by the emotion I felt for them and tears poured through my heart and down my face. Increasingly, I see and hear whale song in my meditations and can feel their particular presence reverberate through my feet as I walk in nature. For me, the vibration in their song is reaching out to support the great coming together of humanity and nature by unifying the oceans and lands. They remind us that we are not separate; from each other; from our soul selves; from our past and future; from the universe.
During meditation journeys, I often find myself in a space that has golden temples, lush green meadows full of wildflowers, animals, crystal clear waters, unicorns and a deep sense of peace. I often arrive here through a lake or an ocean, guided by a dolphin. I guide my community members to this space too, for healing and sometimes deep soul retrieval work with Goddess Isis. In Atlantis, she was thought of as a divine mother and was a greatly revered high priestess. She became one of the divine masters who ascended the cataclysmic end of Atlantis and was sent to Egypt to rebuild, heal and teach the divine, ancient wisdom of the universe.
The primary energy in Atlantis and growth plan, purportedly designed by The Council of Light was for souls to incarnate in physical form to learn true balance between spirituality and science. My sense during the last golden age of Atlantis is that the science aspect got completely out of hand and the spiritual aspects of life diminished, with the majority eventually dismissing them altogether in favour of advanced technologies. This created a fundamental imbalance that ended up serving no-one and even created low vibrational, destructive energies that took on a life of their own. And ultimately led to the destruction, downfall and end of the Atlantean civilisation.
It could easily be the case that people became disillusioned, divided and fought with each other. Without the spiritual aspects of life as their foundation for love and belonging, it would have been easy to disrupt the peace, fuel distrust and lose respect for each other, their healing gifts and talents and override intuition with logic and science-based rationales. Which feels unnervingly familiar to me!
In the spiritual community there has been talk of the new golden age heralded by the Age of Aquarius. I can feel it on so many levels, as I’m sure you do too. The collective consciousness has been desiring radical change for centuries. Equality, inclusivity, balance, reverence and abundance for all. There is an ever-increasing desire for a renewal of humanity and bringing us back home to our kind, loving and compassionate selves. A far more conscious way of living than ever before – even at the time of Atlantis.

We’ve been learning for millennia and we have the opportunity now, here, in this lifetime to create a new world, a new humanity and one what lives symbiotically with nature. I acknowledge all those that have walked and journeyed before us. I don’t believe that we arrived in this consciousness at this specific time to rebirth humanity by accident. So many of us are turning back to our ancestral wisdoms on plant medicine, rituals and practices that honour the feminine; emotions; creativity; heart and the connection to all. And so many of us are already living this life, how awesome is that?
But we still feel like we’re battling so much that needs to change, aren’t we? Especially for spiritual and soul-led people. Goddess Isis repeatedly shared with me over the last few years, “The battle is done. Drop your shields and drop your weapons.” It took me a long time before I acknowledged the lesson for me to learn was that of ending the ‘war’ I was constantly having with myself. We’ve learned for centuries from teachers like Rumi, Gandhi and Maya Angelou that healing all starts with ourselves, haven’t we?
We’ve also been hearing for a long time now that the feminine is rising. As light workers, empaths, HSP’s we’ve been healing our own feminine and masculine wounds for a long time and our guides and soul team’s keep reassuring us that, “You’re on the right path, keep going!”, “Change is just around the corner, feel the energy rising.”, “Speak your truth to become your truth.” and “You’re ready now, it is time to claim your sovereignty.” If you’re anything like me, you’ve had a meltdown or two with your guides and probably said, more than once, “When?!” And yes, we know it’s all in divine timing, but seriously, when?!
It was during one of those expansion periods where I start questioning everything, losing my shit and letting my ego aspect run riot that Goddess Isis began teaching me about the Atlantean Wound and what it birthed. What I saw and felt through those teachings was overwhelming in the beginning. I was witnessing women being terrified and utterly mis-led. I felt their confusion and the trust they used to have in themselves and each other unravel. I saw some relinquishing their gifts and abilities and willingly giving up aspects of their souls. Thankfully, I was also shown that many fragmented their own souls and hid them for safe keeping and thus keeping their gifts safe. Ready to be reclaimed when the time was right.
That time is now.
As a result of this deep and soul-level trauma I have been shown that many energies we know today were birthed at the time of the fall of Atlantis.
Distrust in magic and ethereal healing
The patriarchy
It’s travelled with us ever since, passed down the lineage and through collective consciousness. We have the opportunity to heal and alchemise all of this now for ourselves, each other and our entire lineage.
If you’re ready to heal the original witch wound and set you, your family and ancestry free, then you will want to access THIS before Sunday.